In lacking in confidence and self esteem, feeling self conscious, not valuing who you are and not believing in you and not loving the person that you are can have a massive affect on you emotionally and physically. These feelings these limiting beliefs prevent you moving forward in your life, prevent you experiencing life. And can prevent you achieving what you wish to achieve.
Many of my client’s children, teenagers and adults have experienced some of these feelings if not all!
In working with the sub conscious mind you access the message behind it and let it go freeing yourself from the blockages, the emotional barriers and attachments to a time, a person, a place that has given you this programming this lack of belief in you!
In doing this you begin to wake up to the real you, free from fear of other peoples comments, judgments that have been said and that you have said to yourself. You move forward lighter and brighter focusing and believing in you with confidence.
Working this way within your subconscious mind empowers you and enables you to have strategies to maintain this positive outlook and renewed confidence.